20/9/09Today is Hari Raya. My family & I are going to BALI!!!
We wake up at 5am for the final preparation and we reach KLIA at 7am. We went for breakfast together with my dad's friends & thier family. Since time is still early, my sis & myself went jalan-jalan in the airport and we found a shop which is full with CHOCOLATES & TEDDY!!!

I took this pictures in the AEROTRAIN.

.* CIGARS *.

Dad & his friends did some shopping in DUTY FREE SHOP before we get on plane.
Finally, we are in the plane!!!

Nasi Lemak

Roti Canai
My sis & I was so happy because they provide FERRERO ROCHER as the dessert during our lunch!!!
We reach BALI at 1pm. After that, we took taxi to HARD ROCK HOTEL, which is located just opposite KUTA BEACH. This is also the famous beach in Bali. Many 'ang mo' from different country like to surf there.

My Family
Yvonne ~ Me

This kids are so happy because the received a welcome bag from the hotel.

Showing thier balloons~~~

My sis
After we settle down & changed, everyone went to the poolside restaurant.


Me with my LALAT sunglasses

Preparing to swim

Sis posing with the guitars...

Mum showing of her RUPIAHsss~~~

Me with the ant

Three of us went for 90 minutes Traditional Balinese Massage. My sis is so worried because this is her 1st time. haha

While waiting for our turn

My dad ordered all kind of seafoods for 17 of us.
Our dinner cost 1.3 MILLION rupiah

Night view of the giant guitar

The hotel have thier own band singing every night.
Can you spot the stage? It is above thier bar.
Went for breakfast at 8.30am. After that, one of the uncle suggested to go TANAH LOT to look at the view. It tooks 2 hours for the bus driver to get us there. It was raining cats and dogs when we reach there. I think raining seasons is great for the local peoples because the can make $$ by RENTING thier UMBRELLA to the tourists!!! 1 umbrella cost RM5.

The wave is so scary!!!

Our group pictures~~

Yvonne ~ Me

The new ambadassor of POLO!!!
Next, the bus driver also can say as our tour guide bring us to KINTAMANI.
This place is famous with thier VOLCANO. The first stop we visit is the hand made souvenir shop.

Handmade Sandals

Yvonne with the handmade 'bling bling' bag
They was so excited when they saw those handmade animal kites.

Bat ~ Frog

Kids ~ Dad
The second stop that we visit of course thier famous volcano la...
Because it is raining season, we din't get to see the volcano, we get to see the mist only T.T too bad~~
Around 8.30pm, ladies are allowed to go to the night market for shopping!!!

They can drive thier bike in the lounge.

Mum with her ice-cream

The largest menu i ever seen before.

This is a real human being model. She is modelling the boutique clothes just infront of everyone through the window.
The streets below is full of POLO, D&G, NIKE, ADIDAS, ROXY, BILLABONG, RIPCURL & many more
Hard Rock Megastore
Giant Hard Rock Surfboard
22/9/09Today is our last day in Bali. 3 days 2 nights trip is too little for me & my sis. We visit the Hard Rock Hotel boutique before we check-out.

Cool model & Me

Me ~ Yvonne

The Reception
I took some pictures of thier collection while waiting for the others.
On the way to the airport, I'm sleeping in the van. Suddenly, my dad wake me up to take this picture.
In the Bali airport, there are BURBERRY, COACH & GUCCI outlet. I din't manage to take a picture of BURBERRY & GUCCI because the security is looking at me.
I was attracted by the bottle of this BELVEDERE VODKA.
I don't know how to blog about what happen to us during in the airport.
To cut it short, 4 family went to Bali together. 2 family check-in and left 9 of us, which are the other 2 family in airport walking here and there with our luggage to look for them for 2 hours. We are not stupid until we don't know how to check-in, ok!!! Our boarding pass & tickets are with the person who organised, they reach airport late & din't look for us at all!!! Finally, we can contact them. They said they are in the plane & the plane is going to take off. WTF As a conclusion, 9 of us need to take another plane back to KL & need to pay more $$.

Get on plane at 6pm. This time, I get to sit beside the window. =)

Air Asia plane

Still got mood to camwhore ^^

Mum is exhausted ~ Sis still can pose

Sweet sour fish for dinner
I like this picture
My dad is damn pissed off & he din't even stop at the DUTY FREE SHOP. I din't manage to buy chocolates!!!
Overall, I enjoy the trip.